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Center for Trading and Risk

THE PURPOSE expand teaching, research and outreach in risk related to commodity marketing and financial analysis...

Risk in agriculture has increased 3-4 times since 1980, NDSU recognized this and established the Center for Trading and Risk (CTR) in 2011. Using the Commodity Trading Room NDSU faculty and students are able to conduct more elaborate research. This research includes farm management, ag lending, commodity marketing, crop insurance, and agribusiness finance. The Commodity Trading Room also prepares students with instruction and exposure to industry leading software.

The Center's overall goal in teaching is to attract more students, increase the emphasis on risk and use leading-edge technology related to markets and risk. The Center supports research related to risk and trading that is important to agricultural industries, the state and region. Most important are topics related to commodity marketing, trading, risk, logistics and agricultural technology. Programs have been developed for grower groups including short courses in soybean, corn, wheat, canola and a summer outlook conference. Others are taught through the Northern Crops Institute. In addition, stand-alone outreach programs will be developed as appropriate and needed.



Center for Trading and Risk
Richard H. Barry Hall 124
 (701) 231-7441